Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Crispy Kale Chips

Ahh... kale chips.  My FAVORITE snack.  These are perfect for those afternoon hunger pains, or for munching on while fixing dinner.  They are a fabulous pairing to any kind of sandwich.  These babies are so crunchy, you won't even miss potato chips.  Because lets face it, that's everyones favorite part about potato chips anyway.  I literally make them several times a week for a quick snack.  Any chance to pump more greens in my body, I'll take it.  

That being said, the benefits of eating kale are astronomical.  Not only is kale high in vitamin a, vitamin k, vitamin c, and iron, but it also is filled with powerful antioxidants and is a great anti-inflammatory.  It's also a great detox food and high in calcium.  Have I convinced you yet?  EAT. MORE. KALE. BRO.

Crispy Kale Chips


1 bunch of kale- washed, thoroughly dried, and torn into one-inch pieces
olive oil
salt to taste


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Line 2 sheet pans with parchment paper.

Evenly spread a couple handfuls of the kale pieces on each of the sheet pans.  Lightly drizzle with olive oil.  LESS IS MORE.  If you add too much oil, your chips will get soggy.  Sprinkle with salt, and toss kale together with your hands, evenly coating all the pieces.  Spread the kale back out, making sure not to crowd the pieces so they have room to crisp up.  

Bake for 10-12 minutes or until crispy.  Allow kale chips to cool completely before removing from the sheet pans.  This allows them to stay crunchy. 

Katelyn's note: This recipe uses about half a bunch of kale.  I prep the whole bunch of kale, store it in a ziplock bag in the fridge, and then I have it ready to go for whenever I need it.  

Recipe by Katelyn of Pisa Cake

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